' The orange and brown apprentice grinned widely. This is used for tooth aches This is used to carry other herbs in You chew these into a pulp and it eases the swelling of bee stings Usually chewed by nursing queens, it produces more milk.
Running from a fox that was out to get him. After they left, Leafstar wonders out loud what's with them, and Clovertail says that they like The Fourth Apprentice. The reason Jay, Holly, and Lion don't appear is because they were stillborn in this story. Badgerstar CatFae 73 moons Leader Apprentice: Amberpaw Ceteromantic-Pansexual Badgerstar is a skinny, wiry short-haired, chocolate calico cat, with an ear marking on faer right ear and forest green eyes. = Treatment of wounds = Treatment of 'That would be nice,' Firepaw said, an amused gleam entered his eyes, 'Yellowfang put up quite a fight. Where they went around pretending one of them was the badger or fox and crying out “Theres a Fox in the camp!” or “Guys! Twoleg is the Clan term for a human. He had asked Sasha if she wanted to join him in ShadowClan, the clan he led.
She was going on a date with Breezepelt, the obnoxious tom in her clan. This is just an introduction to get you more familiar with the clans.